The Benefits of Building Good Foundation in Life
Being able to manage one’s life appropriately: 1. To manage life wisely and with maturity.
The Benefits of Having Done Good Deeds in the Past
1. We will have everything we need and never lack anything
The history of the Blessings
26 centuries ago, people in India were very alert in researching the questions about life, spirit, and soul
Mixing with Fools, Just isn’t Cool!!
People have different ideas about right and wrong. Some think that different opinions on right and wrong mean there is no final answer to the sort of behaviour we should try to have in life
Brownie Group Visit // Nov. 23, 2016 - Wat Phra Dhammakaya London, UK
Members of Brownie Group and teachers led by Mrs. Sarah Lewis, the Brownie Group Leader, visited Wat Phra Dhammakaya London to study the basics of Buddhism.
Knowledge is way to contentment